Counselling for Anxiety and OCD

Anxiety is something we all have and a little bit in our lives can be beneficial but when it starts to have an impact on us in a way that doesn’t feel comfortable, it might be time to reach out and get some support. Anxiety when left to its own devices can get so out of control that instead of feeling like it is a healthy part of us, it dominates our lives from where we go, what we do, who we see, how we see ourselves and generally leaves us not being able to live life how we would like to.

Since the pandemic anxiety has exploded and so many people are suffering. Studies have shown that the best way to treat anxiety is to take medication alongside counselling/CBT. Medication alone cannot get to the root cause, whereas counselling can provide of method of finding out what is behind the way you are feeling. CBT can then provide tools that can be used on a daily basis to make you feel more comfortable and better able to cope going forward, which again medication cannot do. Many people I have worked with make the decision not to go down the route of medication and instead start without just to see where they can get to. Regular reviews are done to see how well things are going and what the next steps will be. Remember the choice is always yours.

If you regularly feel a sense of panic, worry all the time, are aware of your heartbeat, struggle with sweating, stomach ache, other aches and pains, need the toilet more or less often, the list goes on, then get in touch and lets see what counselling can do for you.

Obsessive compulsive disorder - extreme anxiety, life controlled by obsessions and compulsions and you aren’t sure which way to turn please don’t struggle on alone get in touch.

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”.

“Worry pretends to be necessary but serves no useful purpose”

Get in touch. Lets see if together we can put anxiety back where it belongs.